
Monday, January 13, 2014

One Week Out

I thought that starting my blog before leaving was going to be this really wise plan where I could provide all this insightful pre-departure information and thoughtfully depict the process of leaving home that would resonate with everyone who has gone off on a bit of a crazy adventure.

Well I'm here to tell you that like everyone ever, I've been really cool and calm about my travels. UP UNTIL THE WEEK BEFORE. I've literally procrastinated my feelings.

I currently exist in this weird state between “Sort of aware that I'm leaving sometime soon” and “I've been lying awake for 3 hours worrying about how I have no idea how to get from the airport to my hotel”. Today's highlight was that, while turning round the yoga pants I'd put on backwards for work, I realized that in two weeks I was going to be responsible for the education of three human people.

I'm getting a bit nervous. I'm also getting incredibly excited. I'm getting a bit upset that whenever I do come home, it probably won't be to Germany. A bit guilty for bailing on my family when they'll likely have a big move coming up. I'm both worried about sunburn, and really pleased that after four years of Scottish weather, I'll be somewhere where its an issue I have to deal with. Everyone else seems really paranoid about snakes and deathly creatures, where as I keep telling them “Isn't it amazing that 80% of Australian species diversity doesn't exist anywhere else in the world?”

One week out, all the bricks are hitting, just in random sizes and quantities, allowing me to get prepared without going crazy.

For now.  

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